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Ask for the marked words:

1) The children were drinking tea in the afternoon.
2) Peter visited his grandma last weekend.
3) The children are going to watch a film with the teacher next week.
4) Sandi never plays card games with her sister.
5) There are many passengers in the airplane.

6) Rihanna sings very beautiful songs.
7) I have learned much for the test.
8) The children were buying presents for Christmas.
9) I would like to buy the new CD by the Sugababes.
10) Samantha is allowed to go out with her friends every Saturday.


Find more grammar exercises on: www.englishpage.de.vu


11) The twin-sisters have got seven new pairs of shoes.
12) The song will be very famous.
13) They were desperately crying for help.
14) We arrived at the train station ten minutes too late.
15) Everyone had read the book.

16) She is watching MTV right now.
17) Paris is a very beautiful city in France.
18) Austria has eight million citizens.
19) I have seen the new film in the cinema.
20) Sarah has a younger brother and an older sister.


Find more grammar exercises on: www.englishpage.de.vu

(C) 2006 Bernie Zöttl



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Grammar exercises for high school students and English learners - for free! Fill in exercises, interactive tasks, exams and tests. Check your grammar, look up the grammar rules and improve your English. The best way to get good marks at school. Find exercises and the rules for all grammar topics on the EnglishPage.

Grammatik Übungen für Schüler in allen Schulstufen; Hauptschule, Gymnasium, AHS, BHS, Realschule, HAK, HTL, HASCH, HBLA, Gesamtschule ... Übungsbeispiele für alle, die Englisch lernen wollen - kostenlos! Einfüllübungen, nteraktive Aufgaben, Prüfungszettel und Tests. Überprüfe deine Englischkenntnisse, schlage die Grammatikregeln nach und verbessere dein Englisch. der beste Weg, gute Noten in der Schule zu bekommen. Hier auf der EnglishPage findest du Übungen und die Regeln für alle Grammatikgebiete.

Tenses, Adjective or Adverb, Conditionals (if-clauses), Gerund or Infinitive, Irregular Verbs, Modal Verbs (can, may, must, shall, might, be able to, be allowed to, have to, should, ...), Negation, Passive, Questions, Reported Speech (Indirect Speech), Some or Any

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