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Übersicht (alle Grammatik Übungen)


-Hi Pete! (You have)______________ nice holidays?
-Yes, of course, Tim. I (be) __________ in Spain with some friends.
-Oh, sounds cool. How long (you stay) _________________ there?
-We (stay) ___________ there for 3 weeks. I (spend) __________ all the time on the beach. And believe me, the girls there (be) ______ really cute! One day two hotties came walking over to me... We (talk) _________ a bit, and it (not take) ___________ much time until the one girl, Linda, was my girlfriend...!

When he was young, Tom always (go) ________ to Italy with his parents in their holidays. They (live) ________ in a bungalow near the sea for two or three weeks every summer. Tom (be) _____ always fascinated by the sea, and he always (wish) ___________ he (can) _______ live in a place like that all year long. So when he (turn) ________ 18, he (decide) __________ to leave home and moved to a little house in Italy. Now Tom (be) _____ 23 years old. He (live) _______ _________ there (for/since) _______ five years already, and he (be) _____ very, very happy about his home.


Find more grammar exercises on: www.englishpage.de.vu


Moesha (live) __________ in Brooklyn in New York. Last holidays, her cousin Tyra from London (visit) ________ her for one week. It (be) ______ the scariest week in Tyra’s whole life. While she (sleep) ____________ one night, suddenly a loud noise (wake) __________ her up. She (look up) ________________ and (see) ___________ that in the room next door a light (be) ___________on . So she (want) ______________ to stand up and look what the matter (be) _____, but Moesha, who (sleep) ____________ in the same room, (whisper)_____________: Stay here and lay low, there is a burglar in the house. He has a gun...! Tyra (be) ________ shocked when she (hear) _________ that. The next day she immediately (leave) __________ New York again, and she (swear) _____________ she’d never go back there again.


Find more grammar exercises on: www.englishpage.de.vu

(C) 2006 Bernie Zöttl



OnlineTense free English exercise - Zeiten, gratis online Englisch Übungszettel

Grammar exercises for high school students and English learners - for free! Fill in exercises, interactive tasks, exams and tests. Check your grammar, look up the grammar rules and improve your English. The best way to get good marks at school. Find exercises and the rules for all grammar topics on the EnglishPage.

Grammatik Übungen für Schüler in allen Schulstufen; Hauptschule, Gymnasium, AHS, BHS, Realschule, HAK, HTL, HASCH, HBLA, Gesamtschule ... Übungsbeispiele für alle, die Englisch lernen wollen - kostenlos! Einfüllübungen, nteraktive Aufgaben, Prüfungszettel und Tests. Überprüfe deine Englischkenntnisse, schlage die Grammatikregeln nach und verbessere dein Englisch. der beste Weg, gute Noten in der Schule zu bekommen. Hier auf der EnglishPage findest du Übungen und die Regeln für alle Grammatikgebiete.

Tenses, Adjective or Adverb, Conditionals (if-clauses), Gerund or Infinitive, Irregular Verbs, Modal Verbs (can, may, must, shall, might, be able to, be allowed to, have to, should, ...), Negation, Passive, Questions, Reported Speech (Indirect Speech), Some or Any


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