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Please choose the kind of tasks you want to find from the list below. There are various downloadable task sheets available.

- writing tasks

- read-and-write exercises

- correction sheets

- "use of English" exercises

- Matura/graduation/final exams




Documents are downloadable in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Rightclick to save them on your computer, then print them out.

downloadable as a Microsoft Word document      downloadable in PDF format




Here you can find simple writing tasks. Most task sheets contain several tasks to choose from.

Downloadable in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

downloadable as a Microsoft Word document      downloadable in PDF format

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Read-and-write exercises:

Holidays with your parents; pro + con downloadable in PDF format

Natural Catastrophes downloadable in PDF format

Disasters - Hurricane Rita downloadable in PDF format

An Alligator in L.A. downloadable in PDF format

A Forgotten Part of Los Angeles History downloadable in PDF format

Honk if you Love Traffic downloadable in PDF format

Boy Shot to Death... downloadable in PDF format

Southern California - Los Angeles seen from an other Angle downloadable in PDF format

Cheating at school downloadable in PDF format

The Simpsons' Wedding downloadable in PDF format

Illegal immigrants from Mexico downloadable in PDF format

US Elections downloadable in PDF format



In most of these read-and-write exercises, you will be asked to read a text and then answer some questions on it. Sometimes you may also be asked to summarize the text.

All exercises are downloadable in PDF format.

downloadable in PDF format

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correction sheets

- corrsheet001 downloadable as a Microsoft Word document

- corrsheet002 downloadable as a Microsoft Word document

- corrsheet003 downloadable as a Microsoft Word document


These are examples of real mistakes made by English learning students. You should look at them so you will do better when it comes to writing a text on your own!

Downloadable in Microsoft Word format.

downloadable as a Microsoft Word document


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"use of English" exercises

>>Please click here to go to the special "use-of- English" section



"Use of English" exercises are a way to test your feeling for the English language. They usually comprise grammar, vocabulary and general expression.

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"Matura"/graduation/final exams

- Matura in English - BRG Wörgl



In this section you can find real tasks given as final exams (Matura) in Austrian high schools.

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